Whenever you create a new website or blog for your business, the first thing you probably want to happen is have people find it. And, of course, one of the ways you hope they will find it is through search. But typically, you have to wait around for the Googlebot to crawl your website and add it (or your newest content) to the Google index.
So ...
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Today, most of the people & businesses have their own website. You can create your website on CMS platforms such as WordPress, Joomla etc. These platforms are affordable(free) & easy to use. With knowledge of website hosting & other services, you can take advantage of Internet boom. In this article, we will discuss about web hosting ...
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Where Are The Prices?
It is the question every business wants to know and it is the one thing you very rarely find on a web design companies website. Is pricing a website that difficult?
For large projects yes it can be for obvious reasons, but for a lot of what we do it is quite easy to provide a provisional ball park figure that should not be ...
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